(Looking for current walks to book? Head to the Walking Masterminds page.)
Working for yourself has lots of positive sides, and my friend Aggie Lim and I have long joked about our “beach office”. I got to thinking about this – the benefits of being able to be outside for part of our day, not chained to our desk, experiencing the inspiration of nature, and having the freedom to decide how to set up our working day – along with the wonderful benefits of spending time with like-minded people – and decided that setting up some Walking Mastermind walks might just be something that could work out.
What happens on a Walking Mastermind with Amanda?
We will meet at the specified time and place (which will vary) and split into groups of around three or four people (although we’ll all walk together, so this can be a bit fluid, as well!).
At each walk I’ll supply a small card with three questions on. After you’ve got to know your fellow walkers, the idea is you can discuss the three questions together, to hopefully learn some new ideas and share some of your own successes, too.
After the walk, I’ll email everyone who attended with some of the best ideas we heard, plus some resources and links to help you out.
The questions will be related to:
- productivity – working for yourself, motivation, systems, organising and planning
- blogging – how, why, what about, how to get readers, and more
- social media – various platforms, tips and tricks, making time, getting motivated
- small business/self-promotion – new ideas, networking, strategy
- and other topics that arise within the groups that seem relevant!
Who are these Walking Mastermind walks suitable for?
A lot of the participants will be people who’ve met me through workshops and consulting sessions in the past, but we welcome anyone, especially:
- Bloggers or anyone who uses a blog as part of their website
- Small business owners who have some kind of online presence
- Anyone using social media to promote their work
- Writers/artists/creatives who need to promote their work online
- And anyone else who wants to chat more about blogging, social media, business and more
(You can always email me if you want to check with me first.)
How can I join a Walking Mastermind?
Each walk has a fee of $10. This covers my time for organising and following-up, but also has the purpose of helping you commit to be there – it’s all too easy to let other tasks get in the way.
The currently available locations and times will always be published on the Walking Masterminds page, with links for booking via Eventbrite.
At the moment, nearly all locations will be north of the river but this might change in the future.
I love it Amanda!!! Not just walking but a walking mastermind …….at the beach!!! ? . At “our” beach office! . You come up with the best ideas!
Thanks Aggie! The first couple are at leafy-green parks instead because it’s likely to be too hot for the non-shady beach, but in winter they will *all* be at the beach!