I've been making these lists of fun goals and intentions for years now, following in the footsteps of one of my favourite authors, Gretchen Rubin - you can see my previous attempts in the links at the bottom of this post. It's not about ticking everything off no matter what - it's about sitting down …
life of a business owner
2021’s pie chart income report
It’s pie chart time: the annual fun (well, I think it’s fun!) of popping my income sources into a spreadsheet and spitting out a pretty graph to show where my money is coming from. Even though I’m always up-to-date with my bookkeeping, and review my annual goals regularly, somehow at the end of …
Diversification and the Covid era – my 2020 income sources
It's that time of year again - well, let me be honest, I actually made my pie chart of income sources at the very first possible moment, on January 1st. I love a good tradition and I was particularly intrigued this time round to really get that overall picture of where my income had come from during …
20 things in 2020: Tasks to enrich my life and work
You've probably noticed I have a habit of making these lists at the start of the year - rather than make a typical New Year's Resolution, I make a list of a bunch of random things I want to do during the year, inspired by one of my favourite writers and podcasters, Gretchen Rubin. The thing I love …
Having varied income sources: my pie chart for 2019
My favourite time of the year is here: review and reflection! I diligently keep up my stats and tracking throughout the year, ready for this moment (well, and for tax time, too). Regular readers will know I decided long ago NOT to be one of those niched, sharply-focused businesses - that just …
I finally have a standing desk and I love it!
For many years, I have coveted a standing desk. Or even better, a desk that I can use both sitting and standing. On days when I don't have clients, I can spend many hours at my desk, and although I jump up regularly to get a cup of tea, scratch the cat or just to sprint up and down the corridor …