(Full information on my mastermind groups here!) This year I've been getting enormous pleasure from running mastermind groups for small business owners, writers and other creatives here in Perth - and I've also learnt a lot from running these masterminds, as I wrote about recently. And on top of …
mastermind groups
What I’ve learnt from three years of running mastermind groups
(Full information on my mastermind groups here!) I had this little idea a few years back to gather some of my favourite clients who were regularly attending workshops I ran and turn them into a mastermind group. We met up - and still meet up - around once a month, and I give them training on social …
Mastermind group fun in Perth in 2018: small business owners, bloggers, creatives and solopreneurs, apply here!
(Full information on my mastermind groups here!) 2017 was a great year for me for so many reasons, two of which are the fabulous mastermind groups I ran. My original 2016 mastermind group continued through the year and I added a second group as well. I wasn't 100% sure how the second group would …
Perth mastermind groups for blogging and social media help – and fun!
One of my favourite business activities last year was running a face-to-face mastermind group for five utterly delightful women here in Perth. I've long been a fan of participating in mastermind groups, but this was the first time I ran one as a paid program and it was a huge success - and lots of …