Big news … we have reached the last day of our first month of #bizgram – our fun group of Instagrammers who are posting images in response to a prompt every weekday. September #bizgram has been a lot of fun and some great images have been shared – more on them in a minute. But first – the important news is that we’re going to continue in October (starting on Tuesday 1st October – here in Western Australia it’s a public holiday on Monday anyway so it works out perfectly) – with prompts every weekday through to October 25. Then we’ll have a few days off.
And extra-importantly, #bizgram will now be #businesspics! A couple of reasons – first of all, I suddenly found there’s a Singaporean company called Bizgram, and we wouldn’t want to get confused (not sure where they were hiding when I searched everywhere before setting this up but I will put it down to pre-Problogger busy-ness!) and secondly, Instagram recently announced they won’t allow third-party apps to use “Insta” or “Gram” in their names, and while this is no app who knows if Instagram might extend their rules in the future. So, to be on the safe side, #businesspics it is!
So, on to some highlights from September #bizgram – I was particularly impressed with the lipstick pen from Rachel (and it totally matches one of her roles as a make-up artist in her photography business) and I just love the retro red phone Jo found recently on her trip to Canberra.
But my favourite, despite being slightly less business-like, was from the “Cats and dogs” topic – proving once again that cats and dogs rule the airwaves in social media, even when it’s for business! Voi Skincare posted this gorgeous double-take:
I could be biased since we’re a cat household too, but I loved it. Anyway, I wanted to say a big thanks to all the people who participated in #bizgram in September, and to give a quick shout-out to the those who posted every day or close to it (I haven’t scrutinised it precisely – but these people seemed to be there nearly every day at least!):
- Jo from Wildfire Social Marketing (@wildfiresm)
- Voi Skincare (@voiskincare)
- Denise Joy Marron (@denisejoymarron)
- Jo from Zigazag and Lifestyle Fifty (@zigazagblog)
- Rae from I Opened My Mouth and It Ran Away Without Me (@raehilhorst)
Had lots of fun and found I was using Instagram much more than I usually do, and meeting new people. I love this platform because it is visual, creative, or allows the share of creative images and is quick. Great challenge – looking forward to Oct. @wildfiresm
I love how when you leave a comment it's instant. Loved meeting up with new people to. Thanks for the opportunity looking forward to October's challenge . Thinking i missed people judging by some comments, Will have to pay closer attention xxx Rae
So glad Jo and your reasons for loving it are exactly the same as mine so I totally get it!! Thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation!! (sounds like a high school report comment, but it's true! Have loved all your posts.)
Yes it's quick and fun isn't it, and I've also enjoyed meeting new people through it. Yep just click on the hashtag (next month #businesspics) and you should see all the posts people have done and that way you shouldn't miss anyone. Some great stuff there and interesting people too (like you!). Have loved your posts too Rae! x
I love instagram too, because it's so immediate. Life as it happens, here then gone, reminding us to make the most of every minute. Looking forward to October challenge 🙂
Yes, making the most of every minute, love it! Glad you will be joining us again in October Jo x